About me
Some Facts
Given name: SAM, Lode, Magali
Name: MAES
Born: 7.6.98 in Edegem (Belgium)
Residence: Steinergasse, 2 in Zell am See, Austria
Nationality: Belgium
Disciplin: Alpine Ski - giant slalom and slalom
Equipment: Völkl, Dalbello, Marker, Komperdell
Team: Global Racing, http://www.teamglobalracing.com
Email: sam.maes@gmx.at
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com.sammaesskier
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sam_maes/?hl=de
I was born in Antwerp, Belgium, but moved to Zell am See, Austria in
December 2000. I started skiing at 2,5 years old and joined Ski Club
Zell am See at the age of 6, where I competed in my first races. During
my childhood I was attracted to all sort of sports. In addition to my skiing,
there were also successes in football, tennis and golf.
I went to school at the Sports Gymnasium in Saalfelden, Austria. During the last 5 years I had the chance to be part of the Skigymmnasium, where I was able to combine school and my sportive ambitions. At the age of 15 I decided to concentrate myself exclusively on skiing, winter and summer. In 2017 I got my High School Diploma (Matura). At the moment I'm studying Engineering at Bad Reichenhall University.